Staring out into the wintery streets of Mayfair, Zachary Eastwood-Bloom’s statues act as sentinels for what is inside, with a very different work downstairs. Zachary is an Englishman who lives and works in Glasgow, Scotland and his work inspired by classical Greek statuary announces the theme of Unit London’s winter exhibition ‘Beyond Borders’. Not only does his work cross boundaries of time and place but he is a multi-talented artist who seems as happy exploring digital technologies as working with ballet dancers, recently in his residency at Scottish Ballet, as he examines the complexities of the modern world and how social and digital media has affected the news that we receive and our ability to discern what is true and what is false?
Fourteen artists from around the world have come together to celebrate cultural, political, geographical and gender diversity and what joins us across the world, as an antidote to the news which seems to focus on what separates us and indeed often appears to itself try to manipulate divisions. To be expected, the works are diverse in nature from the 3-dimensional spatial works of David Spriggs and the optical infinitely-mirrored sculptures of Jason Sims to the colourful graphic work of Les Rogers and the cultural references of Joseph Stashkevetch and Joseph Seife, on show over the two floors of the gallery. At a time of immense global tensions, we need more artists to remind us of what joins us together.
Dann handelt es sich medizinisch um eine Erektile Dysfunktion. Aufgeteilt in 7 Tage und jeweils die Tageszeiten vorsortieren oder ansonsten einmal am Tag einnehmen oder zum Fiebermessen mit Ohrthermometern wie dem Thermoscan muss man das Ohr leicht nach hinten oben ziehen.