We’ve all grown up with the stories of Troy – the beauty of Helen, her relationships, and the successful attack by the Greeks using the device of the famous Trojan horse, while Homer’s stories tell us of the battles between the gods and the long journeys of the Greek heroes. Were these romantic myths or […]
While weary travellers passing through Paddington Station in London await Spencer Finch’s artwork of clouds to uplift their day when the new Crossrail Station opens, a short walk away across Edgeware Road Finch’a work fills two floors Lisson Gallery in Lisson Street in anticipation of what is to come. Many of his works, such as […]
Reflections, lights, colours and shapes brought the sunshine of California to the dark cold winter of Edinburgh at the Fruitmarket Gallery. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, artists in California such as Robert Irwin and Larry Bell were experimenting with minimal materials using colour, lighting, reflections and geometry in a movement known appropriately as “Light and […]
Take care as you travel on the London underground. While you are watching the other passengers taking “selfies”, you might find yourself captured by Julie Leonard on her iPhone and transformed into a colourful artwork. Julie is a London-based artist who has been inspired by the technology used by the likes of David Hockney to […]
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